Ambrosi Place Dental Care

Dental Implants in Kelowna

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent restorative technique that allows us to replace the teeth. A dental implant is made up of the implant itself, a small screw which is surgically placed in the gums and secures to the bone structure in the mouth. This effectively replaces the tooth roots, allowing a pontic (a false tooth) to be secured on top.

Permanent Tooth Replacement

It’s important to replace missing teeth with structurally sound replacements. Dental implants provide an excellent, long-term solution for missing teeth. Some people choose to replace only one or two teeth as needed, but dental implants can also be used to replace full arches of teeth (the top arch or bottom arch, or both). This allows people to experience complete restoration of their teeth without requiring dentures or other restorative structures. 

How Dental Implants Are Placed

It’s important to make sure that your oral health can support implants. The teeth might be missing or damaged, but the gum and bone structure of your mouth still needs to be relatively healthy so dental implants will stay in place. Our dental team will assess your oral health, and if you’re a candidate, we’ll use dental technology to carefully plan out the treatment. After the dental implants have been placed in the gums and have had time to fully heal and secure to the bone structure, we can fit custom dental crowns to the implants, giving you back a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile.