Ambrosi Place Dental Care

Composite Dental Fillings in Kelowna

Composite Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a simple and common way for dentists to repair broken or decaying teeth. Composite dental fillings are created with a composite resin material, which is a highly durable material that can be matched to the colour of the tooth. This leaves you with a nearly invisible repair that allows you to chew normally. 

When Fillings Are Needed

Dental fillings can be used to correct a number of dental issues, including teeth that are damaged or cracked, and teeth that have started decaying and formed cavities (holes) as a result. It’s important to make repairs to the teeth as quickly as possible, as small cavities or chips that are not repaired can become worse and lead to larger issues over time. 

What To Expect When Receiving Fillings

Fillings are a common dental procedure and can be done very comfortably with a local anesthetic. After your filling is placed, you may experience some sensitivity in the area, but that should eventually fade. Fillings may last anywhere from 5 to 30 years, depending on where they are located, how they are placed, and the level of dental care provided at home and in a dentist’s office. Occasionally, you may need to have fillings replaced.