Ambrosi Place Dental Care

Veneers in Kelowna


Veneers are an effective way to make significant improvements to your smile. Many people choose veneers because they are a long-lasting and highly effective way to create (or recreate) an even, bright smile. You can choose to have a single veneer placed to correct an issue, or have several veneers placed at the front of your mouth to create an even smile.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are cosmetic restorations that are created outside the mouth. They are very thin sheaths designed to look like teeth, which are attached to the front of the teeth. Veneers are used to cover imperfections like cracks, chips, discolouration, misshapen teeth, and teeth that are too small. They can also be used to visibly correct the spacing between teeth.

How Dental Veneers Are Created

Dental veneers can be created using the dental technology in our clinic.  We’ll begin by preparing your teeth for the veneers, usually requiring a slight removal of the tooth enamel on the front of the tooth. This will allow the veneers to sit flat against the tooth and look natural. Then, we’ll create your custom veneers in our office. Finally, we’ll secure the veneers to your teeth. Unlike dental crowns (which cover all portions of a tooth), veneers are placed only on the front side of the teeth.