Ambrosi Place Dental Care

Teeth Whitening Services in Kelowna

Teeth Whitening

When you can smile brightly, you feel like you can accomplish anything! Our dental team understands the power of a bright, white smile you feel like showing off. Whether you want to improve how you feel every day or you have a special event coming up, teeth whitening services are a great way to help you gain confidence and feel excited about what’s coming up in your life.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Services 

Our in-office whitening services are the fastest and most effective way to whiten your teeth. We’ll make you comfortable in one of our private rooms, then get you set up with our whitening system. You can listen to music, watch a show, or read while your teeth are under the lights. Just one treatment can start to have significant effects, and after a few treatments, you’ll be able to flash your smile and see the difference. 

Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

For convenient, long-term whitening, our dental team can provide you with take-home whitening kits. You’ll receive professional grade whitening materials and everything you need for a safe, mess-free experience. With regular whitening sessions, you’ll see improvement in the shade of your teeth within a few weeks.