Ambrosi Place Dental Care

Dental Appliances in Kelowna

Dental Appliances

Our dental team supports your at-home dental health with dental appliances made from high-quality, professional materials. It’s important to have a close fit so you get the most protection and comfort from your night guards and retainers. 

Night Guards

Night guards are an important protective tool for people who experience nighttime teeth grinding. This condition is known as bruxism, and when it occurs over a long period of time, it can cause damage to the teeth, jaws, and soft tissues of the mouth. If you wake up with a sore jaw or you’ve noticed damage to your teeth, you may be experiencing bruxism. Ask our dental team about how we can support you with a professional, custom-made night guard.


Retainers are dental appliances that help support a person who has completed an orthodontic treatment. If you have recently had braces, Invisalign, or another type of orthodontic treatment, a custom-made retainer can be a comfortable and effective way to ensure your teeth stay in their corrected positions. We can have professional-grade retainers created for you to take home.